In het Archief Graven

3D matter from the past,

Visitors become archaeologists,

Uncovering history with tactile twists.

Connecting the dots between then and now,

The alba amicorum speaks out loud.

The alba amicorum collection carries intriguing illustrations with objects that beg to be re-defined. In het Archief Graven brings fascinating objects found in the existing alba into the present. Methods and aims of this project is to make research physical, reintroducing knowledge sharing, and introducing a more intuitive research method within the context of a library. In het Archief Graven treats the collection as an archaeological site. It turns visitors into researchers that interact with 3D printed matter instead of 2D illustrations, identified in the historical pages. The materialised objects depicted from the original alba amicorum make it possible to relate to the past, directly and indirectly, acting as the connection between history and the present.

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